“The sustainable development of the Balkans in the post-Covid era”.
The Ministry of the Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace) organizes in Thessaloniki the Balkan Forum entitled “Sustainable development of the Balkans in the post-Covid era” under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The aim of the Forum is to capture the current level of economic, cultural, technological and environmental life in the Balkans with the aim of developing cooperation to improve it in the post-Covid era, leading to sustainable development.
Participants of the Forum
Balkan area (members or non-members of the EU), such as Chambers, Business Representative Bodies, Bilateral Chambers, PDO/PGE Product Bodies, Research Bodies, Technology Providers, Investment Groups, Port Organizations, Railway Organizations, Protected Area Management Bodies, Airport Management Bodies, Logistics and Transport Providers, Energy Providers, Motorway Construction and Management Organizations – Energy Pipelines, Banks, and Competent Public Bodies and Ministries.
Organizing Period: 24-25 / 9/2021
Duration: 2 days
Location: Thessaloniki
Forum language: Greek and English
The Forum consists of the following thematic sessions:
1st Session: Cross-border green deal: green entrepreneurship, sustainable development, circular economy.
2nd Session: Smart practices of cross-border cooperation with a tourism-development footprint for Balkan citizens.
3rd Session: The role of innovation and new technologies in the development of infrastructures and networks for the new programming period 2021-2027
4th Session: New perspectives- cohesion policies and development tools to strengthen interregional cooperation between Balkan countries.
Business to Government (B2G) sessions will be organized, in parallel with the Forum, on the second day of the Forum, in three thematic sessions (development law, digital governance and green development).